
IRpet is a small set of tools to help examine, and visualize IR streams. It uses LIRC (specificaly mode2) to get the “raw” input streams

IRpet comes in four pieces:

See the original project page here at Midnight Research.

TODO - irpet-bitstream - take input, and make a bitstream out of it given parameters.

Downloads, etc



usage: ./irpet -b {num of buttons} [options]
        -d {output directory} default cwd
        -p {number of passes} default 1
        -r {number of remotes} defualt 1
        -V {vertcal resolution of images} defualt 600
        -H {horizontal resolution of images} defualt 800
        -v gives more verbose output
        -h :help

usage: ./irpet-grabber -b {num of buttons} [options]
        -d {base output directory} defualt is current dir
        -p {number of passes} default 1
        -r {number of remotes} defualt 1
        -v gives more verbose output
        -h :help

usage: ./irpet-graph -i {input file} [options]
        -V {vertical resolution of images in pixels} 600 by default
        -H {horizontal resolution of images in pixels} 800 by default
        -p {file prefix} "irpet-" by default
        -w {histogram width} 100 by default
        -r :use this if you want pulses and spaces reversed in the graphs
        -h :help

        example: ./irpet-graph -i remote1button5.mode2.out -v 768 -H 1024 -p mydir/test
        This will produce 3 images with 1024x768 pixels:

usage: ./irpet-simulator {input files} [options]
        -s {seconds of delay between "presses"}
        -b {number of buttons to simulate}
        -h : help

        example: ./irpet-simulator -s 2 -b 4 pass?/remote*button*
        This will take all of the files and randomly spit 4
        of them out on STDOUT with a delay of 2 seconds
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