IRpet is a small set of tools to help examine, and visualize IR streams. It uses LIRC (specificaly mode2) to get the “raw” input streams
IRpet comes in four pieces:
TODO - irpet-bitstream - take input, and make a bitstream out of it given parameters.
Linux system Tested on Debain, and Redhat - let me know if you get it working on other systems (no reason I know of why it wouldn’t work).
perl Most likely already on any of the previously mentioned systems. You might need to install the GD::Graph module. Everything else should be standard AFAIK
On Debian:
apt-get install libgd-graph3d-perl
Or in general:
perl -MCPAN -e 'install GD::Graph::bars3d'<br />
(You only need .gif support, so you don't necessarily have to
build support for all image types (you might get errors if it
doesn't match what GD was built with)). Note: if you install
this module manually like this, you'll need to install the rpm
with --nodeps to get it to install.
LIRC (configured) This is available from Usually this is the biggest hurdle to getting it all working. Basically, if you can get the mode2 binary to give valid output, this should work as well.
IR Hardware compatible with LIRC
usage: ./irpet -b {num of buttons} [options]
-d {output directory} default cwd
-p {number of passes} default 1
-r {number of remotes} defualt 1
-V {vertcal resolution of images} defualt 600
-H {horizontal resolution of images} defualt 800
-v gives more verbose output
-h :help
usage: ./irpet-grabber -b {num of buttons} [options]
-d {base output directory} defualt is current dir
-p {number of passes} default 1
-r {number of remotes} defualt 1
-v gives more verbose output
-h :help
usage: ./irpet-graph -i {input file} [options]
-V {vertical resolution of images in pixels} 600 by default
-H {horizontal resolution of images in pixels} 800 by default
-p {file prefix} "irpet-" by default
-w {histogram width} 100 by default
-r :use this if you want pulses and spaces reversed in the graphs
-h :help
example: ./irpet-graph -i remote1button5.mode2.out -v 768 -H 1024 -p mydir/test
This will produce 3 images with 1024x768 pixels:
usage: ./irpet-simulator {input files} [options]
-s {seconds of delay between "presses"}
-b {number of buttons to simulate}
-h : help
example: ./irpet-simulator -s 2 -b 4 pass?/remote*button*
This will take all of the files and randomly spit 4
of them out on STDOUT with a delay of 2 seconds
Thanks to sourceforge for this page, =)